Wednesday 1st February Period 1 Work

For period 2 lessons, please go to your firefly tasks




YEAR 7 – English

You are going to follow a recorded Oak Academy lesson – Myths and Folk tales (linked to allusions unit)

Please follow the link below and press play.

Reading: Direct students to the Read More page and, in particular, the E-platform link:



YEAR 8 – Book Polish

This is an opportunity for you to review your books and improve the quality of your work.

For inspiration, look through the slides to see examples of high quality work.

POWERPOINT: P1 Y8 What does high quality work look like

Task 2

Now it’s your turn!

Look through your own books and use the checklist to make them better.











Task 3

When you’re happy with all of your books, use the remaining lesson time to read.



YEAR 9 – Science

At the start of every new topic you are given a Knowledge Organiser.

A Knowledge Organiser summarises the key information for that topic.

The purpose of this lesson is to guide you through the process of learning the information from your Knowledge Organiser.

Task 1

Read through the slides below:

POWERPOINT :P1 Y9 Science KS3 – Disciplinary Knowledge KO copy

Task 2

Now try putting some of these strategies into practice!

Use this Knowledge Organiser from Science, focusing on sections 1, 2 and 3:


YEAR 10 – Science

You will be completing assignments on SENECA learning this lesson.

If you don’t already have a SENECA account, go to and sign up for a (free) student account.

Then use the QR code below to join the Y10 group and access the assignments:

This link will take you to the assignments: