School Performance

Our students and staff work hard and we are proud of their performance, which is consistently above national average at GCSE and A-level.

Please follow these links to see:

Summary of GCSE Performance

Percentage of students achieving a good pass in English and mathematics (A*-C or 9-4)
2016 2017 2018 2019
75% 76% 82% 78%
Percentage of students achieving A*-C or 9-4 across 5+ subjects
2016 2017 2018 2019
71% 71% 80% 76%
Percentage of students achieving 9-5 grades (strong pass) in English and Maths 2019
Percentage of 9-7 grades
Progress 8 score indicating value added at GCSE

Summary of A-Level Examination Results

‘A’ Level 2016 2017 2018 2019
% of A*-A grades 27% 27% 26% 23%
% of A*-B grades 52% 55% 50% 50%


Provisional 2019 statutory performance data – Key Stage 4

Progress 8 Score
Attainment 8 Score
Percentage of students achieving a standard pass in English and mathematics (9-4)
Percentage of students achieving a strong pass in English and mathematics (9-5)
Percentage of students entering for the E Bacc
Percentage of students achieving the E Bacc (at grade4/C or above)
The percentage of students who continue in education or training or move onto employment
97% (2017 figure) – 2018 not yet available

Current 2018 statutory performance data – Key Stage 5

Academic value added (for A Levels)
Academic performance expressed as a grade
Applied General value added (for BTECs)
Performance of general applied cohort expressed as a grade
Progress made in English and Mathematics resits
English +0.8, Mathematics +0.8
Retention for academic qualifications
Retention for applied general qualifications
The percentage of students who continue in education or training or move onto employment (please note that destinations data relates to 2016 leavers)

Further school performance information is available here.