Stakeholders and Partners – Employers, Community Partners and Learning Providers
Stakeholders and Partners: Employers, Community Partners and Learning Providers
We are keen to forge new relationships with our local employers have a variety of ways in which those in our community can get involved. These include work experience, practice interviews and mentoring.

If you are able to support us, please email Senior Deputy Head Teacher Mark Vincent

We are active participants in the Macclesfield Pledge. The Pledge Partnership, part of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, puts employers at the heart of inspiring, informing and communicating with the next generation of employees in Cheshire and Warrington. To find out more please click
We are keen to work with a broad variety of FE colleges and training providers in addition to alternative sixth form colleges and schools.
We will get in touch with you in September of each academic year to let you know when our scheduled activities are running and how you can engage with our young people. Although we have our own sixth form, we want our students to be aware of the opportunities offered by taking different routes post-16. Please get in touch with Helen Cook and you can find our PAL statement on this link: PAL Statement 2024