Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
The LRC aims to provide a comfortable working environment for students in which they are encouraged to work independently. We aim to foster in students a life-long love of learning and reading.
The LRC is well resourced, with nearly 15,000 books and over 500 DVDs. Students are able to borrow up to four books at a time for a period of three weeks, or one DVD overnight. Our library catalogue, Eclipse, is now accessible via the school VLE. Students can use this system to search for resources, make reservations, check their LRC account or review books they have read.
We are open 08:30 to 4:30 Monday to Thursday and 8:30 to 4:00 on Fridays and have seating for over 100 students and 14 networked PCs. Students are able to print their homework in black and white free of charge. Students are welcome to use the LRC during break and lunch times, when the LRC is a hive of activity.
During lesson times, Curriculum Teams make use of the LRC by bringing classes in for independent research or a chance to do some quiet reading. Sixth Formers can also be found working independently during their study periods.
You can help the LRC to purchase stock by using the following link when you are shopping on Amazon. You will pay the same but purchases you make after clicking this link will generate commission which we can then use to purchase more books and other stock for the LRC.

The LRC offers a number of different clubs for our students – every Friday lunchtime there is a book quiz, written and run by our LRC Ambassadors. Each year group is offered its own book club. The groups meet after school to discuss the books they have been reading. The clubs for younger students contain a competitive element with regular quizzes. Year 8 book club members take part in the annual Cheshire Schools Book Quiz.