Parent Partners Appeal: Social and Study Spaces
We really appreciate the offer from our PTA ‘Parent Partners’ to support us with our intention to improve the social and study spaces for our students.
We are all looking forward to the extra space, classrooms and toilets that the building project will provide for the future but, in the Our School Our Voice activity, it came through strongly that our current students would really appreciate improved social and study spaces for the year ahead.
If you are able to support, in any way – however large or small – we thought you might wish to see the items we are hoping to provide for our students (these are shown in the ParentPay links below). We must emphasise that we don’t want anything from our parents, carers or community that you can’t give so please do not worry at all if you can’t help at this point.
We are very flexible and happy to take contributions from individuals, groups or businesses, and have tried to provide a quick and easy way to do this but please do not feel under any pressure to contribute. We feel incredibly supported by you already! But if, there is anything you can do, we would love to be able to provide items for our students for September in line with our new social and study spaces for students.
The two brief videos below explain more about our appeal and we also provide links to the ParentPay pages where you can contribute (information on how to donate for specific items is also shown below).
Thank you, whether or not you are able to contribute. We really do appreciate everything that you do for us.
If you know any local businesses, former students or anyone else who may also be willing to help, we’re very happy for you to forward our Appeal page to them.
Ms R E Powley, Headteacher
Year 7 – 11
Click here to view the Year 7-11 donation page
Sixth Form
Click here to view the 6th Form donation page
How to use the online appeal page: