
It is vitally important that all of our students attend school smartly dressed. We expect all students to adhere to the school dress code. We are frequently complimented on how good our students look in the community and we see no reason why this should not continue to be the case. Consequently students are expected to come to and go home from school in full uniform.
School uniform: Where can I buy it?
‘Express Uniform’ are our supplier of school uniform (PE kit is supplied through Printworks in School, see further down this page). If you place an order, it will be delivered to your home address. Please place your order through Express Uniform’s website.
Express Uniform Ltd, 8-10 Gatley Road, Cheadle, SK8 1PY. Tel: 01625 754 888 Email: marnie@expressuniform.co.uk, Website: www.expressuniform.co.uk
Our Pre-loved Uniform Shop is open 14:00 – 15:30 every other Wednesday during term time. Cash only purchases: blazers £10; jumpers £6; ties £3 and all other items £5.
For any general uniform enquiries, contact Mrs S Williams on swilliams@wilmslowhigh.com.
Please find below a summary of the uniform that is required for starting Wilmslow High School.
Uniform Requirements
- Black regulation blazer with school crest (purchase from school supplier)
- [Optional] Maroon v-neck jumper with school crest (purchase from school supplier)
- Maroon with House colour clip-on tie (purchase from school supplier)
- Plain white shirt with pointed collar, which must be tucked in at all times (any retailer)
- Black tailored trousers (any retailer) / Black kilt style skirt (purchase from school supplier)
- Plain black socks (not trainer socks) / plain black tights (any retailer)
- Black outdoor coat without large logos / images (any retailer)
- Sensible plain black shoes

Branded trainer styles are not permitted such as Nike Air Force 1 or Adidas Grand court 2 (or similar)

Jewellery and hair styles
Jewellery is not permitted with the exception of watches and stud earrings. Students may wear two small gold or silver stud earrings, one in each ear lobe. Extreme hairstyles (both too short and too long) should not be worn. Make-up and nail polish should not be worn. The final decision concerning the appropriateness or otherwise of any aspect of school dress or appearance will rest with the Heads of House and Student Managers.

Students may wear two small gold or silver stud earrings, one in each ear lobe.
Jewellery is not allowed in PE lessons
The wearing of jewellery, earrings, and ear-studs (metal) is not permitted on safety grounds during physical education lessons and other sporting activities such as out of hours school learning or competitive fixtures. This includes body piercings such as tongue studs or belly button jewellery. These items represent a potential hazard not only to the wearer but also to other students.
Medical advice confirms that any jewellery worn in physical education lessons is an unnecessary risk and should be always avoided. Serious accidents have occurred because of contact between pupils wearing earrings or studs and other pupils or equipment, thus damaging the ear, or where items of jewellery have caught in apparatus and torn the ear lobe.
Sport safe plastic earrings are permitted in the interim period after initial piercings only. Students who do wear earrings to school on PE days will be expected to remove them by themselves. Staff are unable to help with this.
PE Kit
PE kit is purchased from Printworks in school, some items are compulsory, some are optional. If you are confident of your child’s size, you can print off the order form, fill it in at home and ask your child to bring it with them when they visit PrintWorks.
Students now have access to The PrintWorks at break, lunchtimes and after school, when they can purchase PE kit themselves by cash, cheque or card (no payments can be taken over the phone). If preferred, parents can call in to purchase PE kit. We are open Tuesday to Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm in the holidays and during school hours in term time.
Email orders will not be processed.
Price List

Downloadable Order Form