Community Partnerships

Community involvement and links are also manifest in student placements, musical concerts, the annual Arts Festival that includes all of the local primary schools and wide-ranging activity in support of local charities.
It is through the partnership of school, home and community that we are able to offer our students every opportunity to be involved in a wide range of activities and events which contribute to their experiences and awareness of their role and responsibility in school and the wider community.
Our students are very aware and keen to be involved in events beyond the day-to-day and demonstrate a mature and positive attitude to working with and helping others. They are encouraged to balance personal challenge and success with commitment to others in all activities within and beyond school.
The school has developed strong links with the local community and major local employers. Currently all Year 10 students have a one-week work experience placement, with further course related work experience in Year 12.
Our School Aims encapsulate our aims for Community Links:
- to encourage the development of broadly educated, happy, confident, self-disciplined, self-motivated individuals equipped for adult life
- To establish a culture that values achievement, encourages students to develop their full potential and recognises individual success
- To promote a partnership between school and the community, encouraging students to be responsible, caring members of society
Parent Partners
Minutes of Parent Partners ‘Virtual’ AGM Held 7pm Tuesday 13th October 2020