The House System and Student Services
Student Services is Wilmslow High School’s unique and forward thinking team which provides outstanding pastoral care for the students. Within this, the team works tirelessly to provide a healthy, safe, and inclusive environment. The students are encouraged to participate, strive for excellence and engage in a community that thrives on mutual respect.
Student Services Structure and Organisation

Mr D Jones
The Student Services team is led by Mr D Jones, Director of Student Services (Deputy Headteacher). Student Services offers guidance, advice and support to students across four houses. Each house has a dedicated Head of House and Student Manager who are directly responsible for encouraging students to achieve their potential through academic monitoring and removing barriers to learning. Also promoting and supporting this culture and ethos are other key members of the team including the Senior Student Manager, the Attendance Officer, the Family Support Worker and Pastoral Administrative Support.
In such a large school environment the house system enables every student for feel fully included, develops a clear identity and sense of pride and belonging. Crucial to the sense of community are a highly dedicated team of Form Tutors. They should always be an accessible first point of contact for students and parents alike.
The four Houses are: Bollin, Harefield, Norcliffe and Thorngrove.
Within this outstanding support structure the students are guided by clear and consistent expectations. This is reinforced through a comprehensive system of rewards and sanctions. The team also regularly responds to student voice through the school council. The professionals within the team are also highly skilled at liaising with key stakeholders including Learning Support, Curriculum teams and external agencies.